
You’re running around in your mind like its riverview hospital and as you run into a room, the lights come on and maybe music is playing and there might be people telling stories or there might be objets … but then you turn a corner and enter a room, and the dark stays dark. And there are echoey water sounds. And a chill draught of air. And maybe a pit. Maybe horses. Crash through my window. I ‘cared at night. Maybe horses come.


Now read this

Stephen Hawking says that artificial intelligence, if we create it, will supersede mankind. But he issued the statement couched as a ‘warning’ … as if carbon-based life were not a stepping stone that true intelligence is using to get there … where it is going

the bbc hey, where ya headed? where’re ya headed? hey, comet-hopping robot, clear-headed? not-wrong-headed? you’ll take us along? for a ride? right? if we promise to wear the dominatrix-coloured shirt? and armed by tattoos? surely you... Continue →